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K: Kinks -- 20th Century Man 
20th Century Man


     A.  Martin Luther King was born January 15, 1929.

     B.  Dr. King questioned things that appeared to him to be wrong. Speaking for the disillusioned, he sought solutions to problems. He represented not black people -- but all people -- who deep down believed in corny things like right instead of wrong -- people who wished freedom in place of oppression -- and people who sought peace in place of war.

     He was assassinated April 4, 1968, reputedly by James Earl Ray. Those who eliminated him realized that many times a man may be more powerful than the people who support him. When a man is more important than the movement he leads, then the movement will die when he does.

     C.  Martin Luther King left behind his wife, Loretta; his children, Yolanda, Dexter, Bernise, Martin Luther III; and a movement that has yet to be revived.

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